The following table lists animals likely to occur in the park and was compiled using the following source: Environmental Impact Report – San Pedro Valley County Park/ San Mateo County Parks & Recreation Department (EDAW, Inc. 1975)
- Cottus sp.
- Freshwater Sculpin
- Gasterosteus aculeatus
- Three-spine Stickleback
- Lampetra tridentata
- Lamprey (larvae)
- Oncorhynchus mykiss
- Steelhead-Central CA Coast ESU
- Platichthys stellatus
- Starry Flounder
- Sceloporus occidentalis
- Western Fence Lizard
- Eumeces skiltonianus
- Western Skink
- Gerrhonotus coeruleus
- Alligator Lizard
- Charina bottae
- Rubber Boa
- Coluber constrictor
- Racer Snake
- Diadophis amabilis
- Western Ringneck Snake
- Pituophis catenifer
- Gopher Snake
- Lampropeltis getulus
- Common Kingsnake
- Thamnophis sirtalis
- Common Garter Snake
- Crotalus viridis oreganus
- Western Rattlesnake
- Clemmys marmorata
- Western Pond Turtle
- Taricha torosa
- California Newt
- Ensatina eschscholtzi
- Ensatina
- Batrachoseps attenuatus
- California Slender Salamander
- Aneides flavipunctatus
- Santa Cruz Black Salamander
- Bufo boreas
- Western Toad
- Hyla regilla
- Pacific Tree Frog
- Rana aura draytoni
- California Red-legged Frog
- Dicamptodontidae
- Pacific Giant Salamander
- Heron, Duck, Raptors, Gulls, Doves, Swifts, Hummingbirds, Woodpeckers
- Flycatchers, Swallows, Jays, Chickadees, Nuthatches, Wrens, Kinglets, Thrushes, Thrashers, Waxwings
- Vireos, Warblers, Grosbeaks, Towhees, Sparrows, Blackbirds, Finches
- Sorex vagrans
- Vagrant Shrew
- Scapanus latimanus
- Broad-handed Mole
- Myotis spp. a. o.
- Bats
- Lepus californicus
- Black-tailed Hare
- Sylvilagus bachmani
- Brush Rabbit
- Otospermophilus beecheyi
- California Ground Squirrel
- Thomomys bottae
- Botta Pocket Gopher
- Reithrodontomys megalotis
- Western Harvest Mouse
- Peromyscus maniculatus
- Deer Mouse
- Neotoma fuscipes
- Dusky-footed Wood Rat
- Microtus californicus
- California Meadow Mouse
- Urocyon cinereoargenteus
- Gray Fox
- Coyote – Canis latrans
- Procyon lotor
- Raccoon
- Mustela frenata
- Long-tailed Weasel
- Taxidea taxus
- Badger
- Mephitis mephitis
- Striped Skunk
- Spilogale putorius
- Spotted Skunk
- Mountain Lion – Felis concolor
- Bobcat – Lynx rufus
- Black-tailed Deer – Odocoileus hemionus columbianus