The Friends of San Pedro Valley Park are a diverse group of individuals brought together by our love of nature and our concern for the park. Working for the benefit of all users of San Pedro Valley Park, the Friends play a significant role in supporting the park staff in their activities and in interpreting the park’s resources to the public. Perhaps you have seen us staffing the Visitor Center, visited our well-stocked Trailside Store, browsed in our reference library, or appreciated our handiwork on the trails.
An enjoyable and informative series of natural history lectures presented at the Visitor Center is also sponsored by the Friends of San Pedro Valley Park. We are dedicated to the preservation and enjoyment of San Pedro Valley County Park and, naturally, new members are always welcome. Information is available at the Visitor Center.
Volunteer opportunities abound with the Friends of San Pedro Valley Park. Each month, the second Saturday is designated for trail work and the third Saturday is designated for habitat restoration. Volunteers meet at the Visitor Center at 9 a.m. and begin work with rangers and volunteer leaders. Tools are provided. Only gloves and other personal protective items are needed by volunteers. Additionally, volunteers are always needed to staff the Visitor Center, serve on the Board, and take on a number of other projects.
To become a member of the Friends of San Pedro Valley Park, please fill out the Membership Form and mail us a check for the annual membership dues per the instructions provided with the form. Once we receive your payment, we will send you a membership card to acknowledge you as a Friend.