The Friends of San Pedro Valley Park is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization (a 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation) founded in 1985 that is funded 100% by membership dues, donations and sales proceeds.
We are a diverse group of individuals brought together by our love of nature and our concern for the park. Working for the benefit of all users of San Pedro Valley Park, the Friends play a significant role in supporting the park staff in their activities and in interpreting the park’s resources to the public. Perhaps you have seen us staffing the Visitor Center reception desk or you have visited our well-stocked Trailside Store, browsed the books in our reference library, read our bi-monthly newsletter, or appreciated our maintenance and repair handiwork on the trails and in the Native Plant Garden.
An enjoyable and informative series of monthly natural history lectures presented at the Visitor Center is also arranged and sponsored by the Friends of San Pedro Valley Park. These popular talks are continuing to be presented to the membership and the general public, typically using a Zoom webinar format.
We are dedicated to the interpretation, preservation and enjoyment of San Pedro Valley County Park and, naturally, new members are always welcome. Information on the Friends is also available at the Visitor Center when you visit the park on weekends (open on Saturdays and Sundays from 10 am to 4 pm).
2024-25 Board of Directors
Judy Bacon, President
Mark Golembiewski, Vice President
Enid Ansgarius, Secretary
Susan Kern, Treasurer
Mila Stroganoff
Adrian Stroganoff
Carl Schwab
Melinda Moses
Shane Kadlecik
Istvan Puski
Bing Huey
Sharron Walker