Volunteer opportunities are at the heart of the Friends of San Pedro Valley Park. These are some of our main volunteer activities. If you are interested in joining us, or just learning more about what we do, please call (650-355-5454) or email us ([email protected]) and we’ll be happy to talk with you. Or just drop by the Visitor Center on any weekend day (from 10 am to 4 pm) and speak with one of the Friends’ volunteers who are there.
Trail and Habitat Restoration Work Days
Each month, the second Saturday is designated for Trail Work and the third Saturday is designated for Habitat Restoration Work. Volunteers meet at the Visitor Center at 9 a.m. for Trail work and and 10 am for Habitat restoration to begin work with rangers and/or volunteer leaders. Tools are provided. Only gloves and other personal protective items (e.g., masks) are needed by volunteers. Trail work typically involves clearing brush from the trail sides, cleaning out drain dips, raking out trail bends, and cutting overhanging branches. Habitat Restoration often involves removing invasive plants (like the ever-present thistle) from trailside areas, maintaining the Native Plant Garden at the Visitor Center, or planting new vegetation. These work parties typically last about 3 hours, i.e., until noon or 1 pm.
Visitor Center Hosts
In addition, volunteers are always needed to staff the Visitor Center, serve on the Board, and help take on a number of other projects, as the need arises. Visitor Center hosts receive a basic orientation and training on standard procedures, and then sign up for 3-hour shifts from 10 am to 1 pm or from 1 pm to 4 pm on Saturdays and Sundays. A minimum time commitment of one shift per month is requested. Hosts greet visitors, answer questions, provide information about the park and its wildlife, act as ambassadors of the Friends, and serve as sales clerks for our Trailside Store.
Other Volunteer Opportunities
The Board of Directors meets monthly to conduct the business of the Friends. Election of a slate of officers is held each May during our annual membership meeting. Directors are appointed by the officers and confirmed by the Board. Special projects are carried out by the Board from time to time and may include the contributions of volunteers who are not Board members. If you are interested in serving on our Board, contact us for further information.