Park Reopening Update
On Monday, June 8th, 2020, the main parking lot at San Pedro Valley Park was reopened to the public. The San Mateo County Parks Department announced on June 6th that they are proceeding with Phase 2 of their parks reopening plan. They stated that “the vast majority of park and trail visitors” have done their part “to keep parks safe and healthy for all” and that “we have an opportunity to make parks welcoming, comforting and healing places to be and to share.” (see: this link for more information)
Please note that trails still remain designated for one-way travel and picnic areas in the park remain closed. The Visitor Center also remains closed until further notice.
Finally, the Parks Department stated in their announcement that “San Mateo County Parks will move from Phase 2 to Phase 3 when they have secured all necessary cleaning supplies and when the San Mateo County Health Officer has determined that COVID-19 has been contained to the point that social distancing requirements can be relaxed.” We are all certainly looking forward to that day!
Congratulations to all SPV park users for maintaining a safe and health environment while in the park and moving us toward the day when our beloved park will be completely re-opened. We look forward to seeing you in the Visitor Center again soon!