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Zoom Webinar – A Bird’s Rainbow

May 17, 2022 at 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm UTC-8

On Tuesday, May 17th at 7 pm, the Friends of San Pedro Valley Park welcome Robert Lewis, an avian specialist, for a lecture entitled “A Bird’s Rainbow.” It is springtime and what could be more welcoming and cheerful than the glorious variety of birds we hear and see. Birds are gorgeous and we will have an expert explain where all the colors come from that we so much admire. It’s not as straight forward as we may think. The photographs will be exceptional. Please join us for a fascinating lecture into the avian world of color.

Register in advance for this webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_DN0-4udPRL6zQlqIUEBpcQ

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Iridescense in Hummingbirds – Photo by Bob Lewis
Iridescense in ducks – Photo by Bob Lewis
Partial absence of color in a leusictic robin – Photo by Bob Lewis

About the talk:  Many birds are brightly colored; others use patterned feathers for camouflage.  How do these colors originate? What’s the difference between colors from pigments and physical colors?  From Yellow warblers to Anna’s Hummingbirds, from Snow Geese to Brewer’s Blackbirds, each species makes unique use of the feather colors it possesses.  What do the colors indicate to other birds?  And do birds see the same colors we do?  Bob will unravel some of the mysteries of color in birds with a little chemistry, a bit of physics, and a lot of brightly colored slides.            

About the speaker:  Bob trained as a chemist and worked in the energy field for 33 years.  He has taught birding classes in the San Francisco Bay Area for over 25 years (Birds of the Bay Area, Avian Evolution, Master Birding, etc.) and served as adult education chair on the board of Golden Gate Audubon.  He was honored with the American Birding Association Chandler Robins Award for Conservation and Education in 2016, and Golden Gate Audubon’s Paul Covel award for Education in 2017.   His life list is over 5000, and he loves to talk about birds. He is an award-winning photographer, focusing on birds, and he hopes to resume his travels with trips to Bhutan and Alaska in 2022.


May 17, 2022
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm UTC-8

