Trail Work Day

Saturday, April 12
9:00 am
12:00 pm
Join the Friends of San Pedro Valley Park for some needed Trail work. Work often varies by the seasons and is trail-oriented involving clearing brush from the trail sides, cleaning out drain dips, raking out trail bends, and cutting overhanging branches. No experience necessary. These work parties typically last about 3 hours, i.e., until 12:00 pm. We provide the tools; only heavy rain cancels.
Volunteers meet at the Visitor Center at 9:00 am to begin work with volunteer leaders. Tools are provided. Only gloves and other personal protective items (e.g., masks) are needed by volunteers.
Prepare for Working Outdoors:
- Reusable water bottle
- Snacks, if desired
- Hat/sunscreen/masks
- Long pants, long sleeves recommended
- Sturdy closed-toed shoes that can get dirty
- Allergy medicine, if applicable
- Plan for potential exposure to sun, poison oak, ticks, prickly plants
Join us by registering below!