Tree Plaques In The Park​

Artist Linda Theroff
Key Identifying Characteristics

A fast growing tree that is prone to storm damage. Has a menthol scent.

Height / Size

200 feet tall

Leaves or Needles

Mature leaves are narrow and curved, growing to a foot long. Juvenile foliage is waxy, circular, and blue gray.

Bark / Trunk

Bark sheds long strips and trunk is smooth and colorful.


Bloom time is October to March. Flower has many white stamens surrounding a central knob, and smells of honey.

Fruit / Seed / Cone

Woody fruits with up to 5 notches that grow to 1 inch across.


Blue gum trees grow in well-drained, deep soils, and require access to shallow groundwater or coastal fog drip. 

Location / Range

Brooks Creek, Hazelnut, Valley View, Weiler Ranch, and Montara Mountain Trails.


Can live up to 200 years.

Native / Non-Native

Non-native tree, invasive in California. Native to Australia.

Fascinating / Fun Facts

The leaves and oil have medicinal properties.