Park Closure Update – Partial Reopening
On Monday, May 4th, the San Mateo County Parks Department reopened
the trails at San Pedro Valley Park after being closed since March 27.
Visitors are required to hike single file on narrow trails, keep six feet apart
from others, not congregate with people who aren’t from their household,
and carry face coverings. For additional information on the reopening, see
the County’s website:
With the exception of Weiler Ranch Road, all SPV park trails have been
designated as one-way, with signs posted at all trail junctions to indicate
the allowed direction of travel. In addition, the Old Trout Farm trail is still
closed. A map of the park trails indicating the direction of travel for each
has been placed by the rangers at the entrance to Weiler Ranch Road near
Oddstad and at the main entrance gate.
All picnic areas, as well as the Visitor Center and the adjacent parking lots,
remain closed. The Old Trout Farm restrooms near the picnic area (south
parking lot) are now open. Park visitors must either walk in or park in the
parking area at St. Peter’s church or along Oddstad Blvd.
Events sponsored by the Friends of SPV Park remain cancelled until
further notice. We will keep you apprised of future developments as
conditions relative to the coronavirus pandemic change.
Take care of yourselves, stay healthy and safe, and we hope to see you all
in the near future when the park is fully reopened.