Year 2021

Poisonous Birds and Chemical Defense in New Guinea Birds

Poisonous Birds and Chemical Defense in New Guinea Birds - Speaker: Dr. Jack Dumbacher video thumbnail

The Friends of San Pedro Valley Park welcomed Dr. Jack Dumbacher from the California Academy of Sciences. He presented his lecture Poisonous Birds and Chemical Defense in New Guinea Birds on Tuesday, November 9th, 2021 at 7 pm. Poisonous birds,…

Biodiversity and the Extinction Crisis

Biodiversity and the Extinction Crisis - Speaker: Dr. Krista Kemppinen

The Friends of San Pedro Valley Park welcomed Dr. Krista Kemppinen for a talk on “Biodiversity and the Extinction Crisis” on Tuesday, October 12 th, 2021 at 7pm. We hear the term biodiversity and use it, but do we really…

Visitor Center Closing Again!

After just a few days short of only one full month since the Visitor Center was re-opened to the public on July 3rd, we are discouraged and greatly saddened to report that it is being closed again by the County…

Visitor Center to Re-Open on July 3rd!

Great News!!  The Visitor Center will once again be open to the public on the weekends beginning Saturday, July 3rd.  Volunteers with the Friends will be hosting again, as usual, at the information desk, from 10 am until 4 pm…

Covid-19 Restrictions Lifted!

As of June 15, 2021, Covid-19 restrictions in place since March 2020 have been lifted for all park visitors. Two-way hiking will immediately resume on all park trails and all visitors, either vaccinated and unvaccinated, are no longer required to…

Where have all the Monarch Butterflies gone?

Where have all the Monarch Butterflies gone? video thumbnail

On Saturday, June 5 th at 4 pm, the Friends of San Pedro Valley Park welcomed Kim Young, a Xerces Society Ambassador who discussed the Western Monarch butterflies, their migratory route and breeding habits. She discussed the severe decline in…

Earth Day Event a Success!

The Friends of San Pedro Valley Park’s Weeding & Planting Earth Day Event on April 21st was a great success.  Twelve hardy and energetic volunteers showed up, and with support from the Pacifica Land Trust and SMC Parks, we got the…

The Return of the Wolf

The Return of the Wolf - Speaker: Amaroq Weiss video thumbnail

On April 17th at 4 pm, the Friends of San Pedro Valley Park welcome Senior West Coast Wolf Advocate Amaroq Weiss from the Center of Biological Diversity as she relates the current situation with wolves in California and the West…

The Peregrine’s Saga; March 27th Webinar with Dr. Doug Bell

– by Mila Stroganoff How did we go from a historical figure of 250 Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) pairs in California to 2 pairs in 1970? How did we take a much-revered bird and practically make it globally extinct within…